The Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) is headed by the Senate with Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon as President, and the Attorney-General, the Supreme Court Bench and key leaders of the various branches of the legal profession, as members. The day-to-day running of SAL comes under the Secretariat headed by SAL’s Chief Executive, Mr Yeong Zee Kin.
The work of SAL is largely driven by a 11-member SAL Executive Board which focuses on five key areas:
- Academy Publishing Cluster: With a view to growing the knowledge of the profession, this cluster publishes and disseminates primary and secondary content related to the law, past and present. This is done through the journals and books of Academy Publishing as well as its research portal LawNet.
- Corporate Development & Strategic Planning Cluster: This cluster provides corporate services to the wider SAL Group, including strategic planning, finance, human resources, corporate communications, events management and member relations. The cluster also oversees the TechLaw Fest (TLF) Programme Office in developing and executing a multi-year strategy to scale TLF into the premier legal technology and innovation conference for the Asia-Pacific.
- Legal & Compliance Office: L&C oversees SAL Group's risk, compliance and legal strategy development, including the data protection office.
- Learning & Professional Development Cluster: Through virtual and offline conferences, seminars and workshops, the Learning & Professional Development Cluster develops the professional capabilities of the sector. The cluster is guided by its own Legal Industry Framework for Training and Education (LIFTED), which charts a course forward for the profession. The cluster also overseas the Specialist Accreditation Scheme, an assessment process which recognises legal practitioners' expertise and experience in specialised area of law.
- Legal Research & Publications Cluster: Developing and promoting Singapore Law through legal research and law reform projects.
- Trust Services Cluster: Trust Services Cluster oversees all statutory and trust-centric services entrusted to SAL by law including the appointment of Commissioner for Oaths and Notaries Public, Authentication and Legalisation services, Stakeholding and the national Wills Registry.
SAL has four subsidiaries: the Singapore Mediation Centre, the Asian Business Law Institute, the SAL Ventures Ltd and the LawNet Technology Services Pte Ltd.