Senate & Committees


Pursuant to section 5 of the Singapore Academy of Law Act, the management of the affairs of SAL and of its properties are vested in the Senate.


Chief Justice Sundaresh MENON

President, SAL
Chair, Board of Governors, Asian Business Law Institute

Attorney-General Lucien WONG SC

Vice-President, SAL

Judge of Appeal Belinda ANG Saw Ean

Vice-President, SAL and Chair, Board of Singapore Mediation Centre

Judge of Appeal Steven CHONG

Vice-President, SAL

Judge of Appeal TAY Yong Kwang

Vice-President, SAL

Ms Lisa SAM Hui Min

President of the Law Society of Singapore

Professor Andrew SIMESTER

Vice-President, SAL and Dean, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore

Professor LEE Pey Woan

Vice-President, SAL and Dean, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University 

Professor Leslie CHEW SC

Vice-President, SAL and Dean, School of Law, Singapore University of Social Sciences

Justice Aidan XU @ Aedit ABDULLAH

Chair, Promotion of Legal Technology Innovation Committee

Justice Andre Francis MANIAM

Co-Chair, Professional Affairs and Membership Committee


Justice Audrey LIM Yoon Cheng


Justice CHOO Han Teck


Justice CHUA Lee Ming

Chair, Audit Committee

Justice Debbie ONG Siew Ling

Chair, Learning and Professional Development Committee



Justice Dedar Singh GILL


Justice HOO Sheau Peng


Justice Hri Kumar NAIR 



Justice Kannan RAMESH

Chair, Specialist Accreditation Board

Chair, Legal Research and Publications Committee


Justice KWEK Mean Luck

Chair, Statutory and Corporate Services Committee

Chair, Staff Committee

Justice Mavis CHIONH




Justice PANG Khang Chau


Justice Philip JEYARETNAM


Justice SEE Kee Oon


Justice TEH Hwee Hwee


Justice THEAN Pik Yuen Valerie


Justice Vincent HOONG Seng Lei




Justice WOO Bih Li


Judicial Commissioner Alex WONG Li Kok


Judicial Commissioner Christopher TAN Pheng Wee


Judicial Commissioner Kristy TAN Ruyan SC


Judicial Commissioner Mohamed Faizal MOHAMED ABDUL KADIR


Deputy Attorney-General ANG Cheng Hock SC

Chair, Professional Affairs and Membership Committee

Deputy Attorney-General GOH Yihan SC

Co-Chair, Legal Research and Publications Committee
Co-Chair, Learning and Professional Development Committee

Deputy Attorney-General Lionel YEE SC


Deputy Attorney-General TAI Wei Shyong SC


Solicitor-General Ms Daphne HONG SC


Mr Davinder SINGH SC


Mr George LIM  SC


Mr Gregory TAN


Mr LAM Chee Kin


Ms Marina CHIN SC


Mr NG Wai King


Ms Renita Sophia CRASTA


Mr THIO Shen Yi SC


Ms WAN Wai Yee


Mr YEONG Zee Kin

Senate Secretary