Practice Management
Practice Management Tip 2: Reframing Your Thoughts
Use your legal analytical skills to question the thoughts swirling in your mind, as if they are expressed by your client, or even your opposing counsel.
Say you start thinking that you are going to do a terrible job on the case or matter that you have been assigned by your partner. The next thought that follows is that you are going to receive a client compliant. Worse, perhaps you are going to lose your job!
Instead of simply believing what we think, employing legal skills to challenge our own thinking can free ourselves from the anxiety generated by thoughts that have little or no proof. There is a well-researched branch of psychotherapy known as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which focuses on modifying dysfunctional emotions, behaviours and thoughts by interrogating and uprooting negative or irrational beliefs. You can try out these exercises on your own or seek professional help to learn to reframe your thoughts. Remember - the burden of proof lies with your irrational thoughts and the standard of proof should be beyond reasonable doubt! Of course, that does not mean neglecting to secure the resources you need to successfully handle your assigned case or matter.
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